NPS Prism- A CX benchmarking platform

Shubham Roy


31st May, 2022

Skillsets acquired- Survey design | Survey analysis | Data visualisation | Statistical testing
PM Toolkit- Tableau | Alteryx | R programming | DisplayR(R-language-based data reporting and visualization tool) | Qualtrics | Powerpoint | Excel

Business Scenario

Customer experience benchmarking at Bain, for the US Telecom industry, was a quarterly, human-effort intensive exercise despite its fullest potential for being automated. Beyond resulting in delayed turnaround time, it also curbed the client’s ability to track KPIs in real time.

As a part of Bain’s Industry Products Group, I worked on the productization of Bain’s flagship product, NPS Prism, a cloud-based, real-time, customer experience benchmarking tool enabling a $220B+ US telecom player to boost its NPS score by 8% year-on-year(statistically significant).

User Story

As a business owner, I can use NPS Prism to

  • Understand customer satisfaction scores across several touch-points in a customer’s lifecycle with my product through insightful visualizations
  • Analyze the trend in NPS across quarters and years for each touch-point
  • Benchmark the NPS across competitors for each touch-point
  • Analyze and benchmark customer verbatim across competitors
  • Identify the biggest drivers for overall NPS so as to better channel the business efforts that translate into real business outcomes
Benchmarking customer NPS across touch-points, across competitors


  • Enabled one of Forbes’ top 20 largest public companies, a $220B+ US telecom player to boost its NPS score by 8% year-on-year(statistically significant)
  • Clientele for NPS Prism grew beyond Telecom to 10+ Industries across 30+ countries, including banking, grocery, utilities, auto, and more
Press- “NPS Prism addresses a crucial problem for business leaders: the lack of reliable, high quality Net Promoter Score® benchmarks for gauging competitive performance and progress against goals.


Shubham Roy

Product Management & Management Consulting | No-code enthusiast